Florida NFA Trust Lawyer
Florida Gun Trusts, also known as NFA Trusts, Class 3 Trusts, or Firearms Revocable Trusts, are an excellent way to legally purchase and own regular and Title II Firearm.
A FFL with a Class 3 SOT sells Title II firearms that include machine guns, silencers (suppressors), short-barreled shotguns (SBS) or rifles (SBS), destructive device (DD), or an “any other weapon” (AOW).
A Florida Gun Trust does not give you a Class 3 license or SOT. Also a Gun Trust will not let you purchase firearms that are not permitted in your state including post 86 Machine Guns. That’s right A gun trust will let you purchase pre 86 transferable machine guns but not new ones manufactured after 1986
A Florida Gun Trust can help you overcome situations where the Chief Law Enforcement Officer in your area is reluctant or unwilling to sign an ATF Form 4 or Form 1. There are many other benefits to using a Gun Trust to purchase your firearms including protecting your family and friends from issues of constructive possession or other violations of Federal law. A Gun Trust can allow other people to be authorized users of your Title II firearms without violation of the National Firearms Act.
A Gun Trust is a very special type of trust that has been created to deal with the unique issues of firearms purchases, ownership, transfer, possession, and use of firearms.
Attorney David Goldman is licensed in Florida and is widely recognized as the Gun Trust Lawyer®. Mr. Goldman works with over 200 lawyers across the US to help provide clients with version of his copyrighted Gun Trust. There are many types of Florida Gun Trusts and not all Florida Gun Trusts are the same. Some can provide asset protection and multi generational ownership while others are really only designed for NFA firearms.
Our Florida Gun Trust is Different Than a Revocable Trust or Other Florida Trusts
Our Gun Trust is different than a typical Revocable Trust. Many so called “Gun Trusts” are nothing more than revocable trusts with a few NFA words or definitions thrown in and still instruct people to break the law. People often ask about having other items in their NFA trust; we recommend that only firearms, magazines, and accessories be placed in a Gun Trust. The reason for this is simple, the people you want to use and have access to your firearms are not the same as those who you want to be able to sign checks or sell your property. If your trust talks about land or other non-firearms related assets, its a clue that you do not have a Gun Trust. Most other trusts do not deal with the many unique issues of regular firearms or Title II firearms ownership, possession, transfer, and use.
Our Florida Gun Trusts have been reviewed and modified by more than 100 Estate planning and/or Firearms law lawyers who are licensed in more than 43 states. Whether your goal is to purchase a single silencer or hundreds of Title II firearms, our Gun Trust can be customized to address your specific issues and unique circumstances.
Some of the Main Benefits of a Florida Gun Trust Include:
- The ability to tell your representatives how to properly transfer these firearms upon your death;
- The ability to transfer assets to children, even below the age of 18, when they reach an appropriate age while giving the someone the ability to make distribution decisions based on mental state, physical location, legality of the transfer, and age.
- The ability for the Trustee to refuse assets transferred by will or other means if NFA and state requirements are not complied with;
- Requirement to comply with NFA and State laws for transfer of NFA related assets;
- The ability to make uneven distributions to heirs to conserve value of assets;
- The ability to purchase Title II weapons, without creating a violation of the duties of the trustee;
- The ability to use the weapons in the trust without creating liability to the beneficiaries;
- The instructions and formalities on how to: manufacture items under a Form 1, how to purchase items correctly under a Form 4, how to properly document and transport Title II firearms with a Form 20.
- Protection for yourself and your family from Constructive Possession – a violation of the NFA.
- The ability to add others to your trust at a later time and create additional authorized users of the firearms.
Some of the Additional Benefits of a Multi Generational Asset Protection Florida Gun Trust Include:
- The ability to have Trustees with different capabilities.
- The ability to protect the firearms from your creditors and the creditors of your beneficiaries.
- The ability to hold the firearms for multiple generations and in some cases forever.
- The ability to modify the terms of the trust to attempt to preserve privacy, ownership, avoid future transfers and loss of firearms due to future legislation.
- The ability to easily add users, remove users, change beneficiaries and create temporary users of the firearms
- The your representatives how to properly transfer these firearms upon your death;
Each Gun Trust Comes With a Memorandum (Users’ Manual) Which Discusses Many of the Commonly Asked Questions Regarding the NFA and ATF Regulations
This Florida Gun Trust unlike many others is designed to deal with regular firearms as well as Title II firearms and is quick and easy to create.
To find out more about NFA firearms Trusts, contact a Gun Trust Lawyer